Tuesday 2 October 2012

My Article in Apple Bits

Ponizej prezentuje swoj artykul, jaki napisalam do edytowanego przeze mnie mieciecznika Almaty International Women's Club - Apple Bits. Wydaje mi sie, ze nie ma tu nic czego byscie juz nie znali z mych postow, ale moze bedzie milo przypomniec. 
Caly miesiecznik, mona znalezc na stronie Klubu, niestety jest dostepny tylko dla czlonkow. Mysle, ze to jedna z wad strony, ze wiele informacji jest tylko dla czlonkow. 
Oczywiscie poniewaz wszystkie kobiety mowia po angielsku, caly miesiecznik jak i strona sa rowniez w tym jezyku! Milego czytania!


Positive Thinking and the use of Positive affirmation

I am sure  everyone has heard about positive thinking and positive affirmation and perhaps others are also practicing it. Many may just smile at this moment and think that this is not serious, not necessary, it is childish, funny or whatever. I am writing  the short article about positive thinking because I would like to share my own personal experience and  interest  in the use of Positive affirmation and how it  has changed my life. I hope you will like it!  
A positive affirmation can be a simple or more complex  sentence or saying  that never includes “no” or “not” . Some examples are "I have the power to make changes" , "My positive thoughts create a positive life" or "I am a miracle worker". There are many good examples on these websites — http://www.louisehay.com/affirmations/  or http://www.susanjeffers.com/home/affirm.cfm)
 I started practising positive thinking and positive affirmation one year ago completely accidentally (but it is another story to tell). Now I feel as if it has changed my life!  I cannot imagine my day without it and try to practice positive affirmation all day every day. 
I’ve bought  affirmation cards (I have already three small boxes with about 60 affirmation cards in each) and every singe morning I pick up one card, read it (loudly  or quietly)  at least 10 times. Sometimes I am still repeating it in my mind when I do my hair,  brush my teeth or make morning tea.  
It is amazing how much this has changed  my life! Every day I take one card from the boxes I have. I put the card into my calendar, book or wallet to take with me. Sometimes when I am in a hurry  I forget to take a new card.   Now that I have become familiar with affirmations from websites or the boxes, I can  think of new affirmations when I have forgotten to take a new card with me. 
When I feel bad, or really stressed I  say words like this to myself : “All is well and it is all happening for my highest good”, or simply “I can handle it” or one of my favourites “I am powerful and I am loving and I have nothing to fear”. Sometimes it takes me 5, sometimes 20 minutes to calm down. But I really like and enjoy it. 
When I change my way of thinking I become person who can be really happy about  small things, which normally no-one  would notice. I become more peaceful, organized, in harmony with my life and a kind human being. I smile more than I used to and I have stopped moaning all the time.  (which is I think typically  Polish — moaning about job, life, friends, partners, children etc.). I have started to enjoy my life. I have started to do things I would never thought I would be able to do - I decided to came to Almaty, Kazakhstan from London, I decided to join AIWC, and to volunteer to become  the editor for Apple Bits.
With the help of positive affirmation I am not afraid of new things and I am enjoying doing them. 
Of course sometimes I still have some bad moments, scary thoughts, and times when I would prefer to stay  in bed all day, sleeping and barking at everyone, but this is only a small part of my life now and I know, it won’t grow any bigger! 


“Happiness is something that I am and it comes from the way I think!” 

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